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Join us in helping children and adults with disabilities socialize, learn and grow


Grand Outdoor Services, LLC is proud to support the Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association (NISRA) Foundation.  Through NISRA programs, children, teens and adults with disabilities improve socialization, self-esteem and quality of life. Join our cause and support the Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association (NISRA).

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GIVE $25, SAVE $25

Make a $25 tax deductible donation to NISRA, and we'll take $25 off your next bill!  Just follow these 3 easy steps:

  1. Click the link below

  2. Make your $25 donation to the NISRA Foundation

  3. Provide us with a donation receipt at the next service, or e-mail to


Created in 1991, the NISRA Foundation raises funds to support many of NISRA’s unique and innovative programs and capital projects. The Foundation has granted over $2 million to NISRA for valuable programs and services. Funds raised through business partnerships, fundraising events, grants and individual donors support the following focus areas:

  • Program Services – Supporting NISRA to provide high quality programming.

  • Scholarships – Offering financial support for those in need, enabling them to participate in NISRA programs and Summer Day Camps.

  • Staffing – Assisting with staffing costs.

  • Vehicle Replacement Fund – Purchasing wheelchair accessible vehicles that transport participants to weekly programs, special events, trips, adult day program activities, and more.

  • Equipment – Purchasing equipment and supplies that allow staff to plan innovative and fun programs adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.


As diagnoses of various disabilities continue to rise, so does the need for services that will enrich the lives of these individuals.  Make an impact on your community by helping individuals with disabilities make friends, learn and develop their interests through NISRA.

Thank you for your support!

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